Project Spotlight: Phoenix Haus - Launch of the H19 Passive House

Project Spotlight

Location: Mesa, Colorado, USA
Project type: Single-family new construction
Prefab Builders: Phoenix Haus
Assembly: 2x framed wall with densepack cellulose, continuous wood fiber insulation, wrapped in Solitex exterior airtightness and weather protection
Details: 2x Framing Smart Enclosure - Tier 1 DOWNLOAD HERE

Phoenix Haus is a Prefab Passive House design & construction firm in Colorado. Its mission to create sustainable homes is working - earlier this year the team said they were creating two new prefab homes per month.

Phoenix Haus's most recent project is the H19 - the name being derived from both the term 'homestead' and the fact that the home is 1,900 sq ft. The panels for the H19 were installed in just four days, using the assembly details from Phoenix Haus' Alpha System (a PHI certified construction system). The team's approach to assembly design is very detailed oriented, with special attention to the modeling and building science that goes into creating a high-performance build. Phoenix Haus' assemblies utilize products from the air-sealing system by Pro Clima to make this happen. Check out the video now for a full project walk-through from the team to learn more!


2020, and the Homestead model(s)


Is Prefab Better Than Traditional Building?